A colorful selection of ten animated stories will immerse the little ones into a diverse world full of surprises and imaginary frolics. Experience the unique meeting between a white bird in a black world and a black cat in a white world, as well as happy little tiger on a food plate and two adventurous lemurs navigating above the clouds. Or join a class newcomer who is a frog in a class of rabbits. This short film selection is filled with creativity, various animation styles, and the magic of storytelling. The programme is conceived in collaboration with Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival (France).
This program was curated by the ‘Kids Programmers,’ a group of elementary school students aged 7-10 with a keen interest in cinema. Under the guidance of professional film curators and educators, they selected films that were relevant to their interests. ‘Kids Programmers’ is part of the European film festivals network’s “Young4Film” initiative, inspired by the international project Moving Cinema, co-funded by Creative Europe MEDIA program.
Duration: 64 min.
Age limit: PG