Chin Up

Kulminacijos nebus
9 min.

Director | Gabija Beatričė Rimkutė
Script | Gabija Beatričė Rimkutė
Director of photography | Karina Mečkovska
Editing | Ugnė Katinaitė
Sound designer | Mantas Jankus, Domantas Kutkaitis
Main cast | Eglė Valuckaitė, Rimantė Valiukaitė
Producers | Paulius Jusevičius, Rasa Misiūnaitė
Production company | Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre

Julia, a promising twelfth-grade violinist who has suffered emotional abuse from her special education teacher for years, finally dares to fight back when the teacher keeps on her playing before a competition performance. The teacher quickly quells her resistance with threats and pushing, but as she is about to leave the classroom, Julia has an idea. When Julia goes to take the stage, the teacher pushes Julia to go for it.


About the director:

Gabija Beatričė Rimkutė is a 21-year-old filmmaker born and raised in Vilnius, Lithuania. She is currently in her third year of pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Film Directing at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre. Gabija spent 12 years studying harp and piano at the National M.K. Čiurlionis School of Arts, an experience that significantly shaped her artistic perspective. Her debut short film, “Chin Up”, draws inspiration from her personal experiences and observations in music school, highlighting the pressures and dynamics faced by students striving for excellence.