Director | Benjamin Sprengers
Script | Benjamin Sprengers
Director or photography | Grimm Vandekerckhove
Editing | Benjamin Sprengers
Sound designer | Kwinten van Laethem
Composer | Kwinten van Laethem
Main cast | Roy Aernouts, Jacques Bollens, Janne Desmet, Greg Timmermans, Berthe Kilozo
Producer | Marc Goyens
Production company | Marc Goyens
Grobbendonk is a film about walls. It’s a film about doors, hallways, floors and ceilings. An investigation into what happened to a house.
About the director:
Benjamin Sprengers (1982) is a filmmaker from Antwerp, Belgium. After working as a screenwriter for about fifteen years, he is now dedicating his time to personal projects as a writer and director. His screenwriting credits include the series ‘Hotel Beau Séjour’ (Netflix) and the film ‘Patrick’ (Tim Mielants). At the moment Benjamin is writing and directing his debut feature film, ‘Kayak’, a psychological thriller about a mysterious woman in a kayak.