Director | Ignas Meilūnas
Script| Titas Laucius
Director of photography | Simonas Glinskis, LAC
Editing | Ignas Meilūnas
Animators| Anni Oja, Matthew Krasucki O’Dowd, Ignas Meilūnas
Sound designer | Dominyka Adomaitytė, Julius Grigelionis
Composer | Marius Meilūnas
Producers | Justė Beniušytė, Ignas Meilūnas
Production company | Luce Grosjean – MIYU Distribution
In a winter wonderland two friends are having a blast ice-skating on a frozen lake when suddenly a strange and unfamiliar world cracks open underneath them. Now they must learn how to deal with the other kind, not letting the fear and preconceptions rule.