Lithuanian Focus at the Marseille International Music and Film Festival

Vilnius International Short Film Festival presents a special short film programme “Lithuania: Cinematic Connections” at the 23rd Marseille International Music and Film Festival next week. The programme showcases five Lithuanian short films, distinguished by their music and sound design solutions. The Marseille Music and Film Festival will take place on 4-9 April in Marseille, southern France.
With a focus on young cinematographic creation and musical composition for screen, the artistic policy of the Festival is now unique in Europe. Created in 1999, Music & Cinema – Festival International du Film à Marseille (MCM) – named Festival International du Film à Aubagne until 2021 – is now recognized among the professional industry, both at a national and international level, as a reference in musical composition for screen. Every year, the Festival presents over 250 movies, welcomes 500 professionals and reaches an audience of more than 25,000.
“Lithuania: Cinematic Connections” programme will invite to a cinematic journey through the emotional worlds of film protagonists and explores the frightening and unknown side of life. The audience will see attempts to recreate humans, a struggle to survive in a war-devastated town and immerse into deeply touching family conflicts. A special screening will take place on 5th of April 16:00 (CEST) at the cinema theater „Artplexe Canebière”. Programme will be presented by Rimantė Daugėlaitė-Cegelskienė, the Head of Vilnius International Short Film Festival.
dir. Domas Petronis, Vytautas Plukas
fiction, 14’, 2021
Man tries to recreate himself by how he views himself, but this broken reflection only gets lost in the uncanny valley.
Juggler | Žonglierius
dir. Skirmanta Jakaitė
animation, 11’, 2019
We live in the same house, but in different apartments, jobs, situations, beliefs, visions; each one in our own compartment, fooling ourselves that the world is one, and that it exists. Although sometimes it seems that the incomprehensible thread has almost been caught, and I am on a verge of understanding.
Through The Fields | Laukais
dir. Kamilė Milašiūtė
fiction, 15’, 2019
Three women – a mother and two daughters – decide to spend the last summer weekend together in a remote village. As soon as they leave the city, one conflict starts following another, forcing them to confront themselves, and to accept this bond for what it truly is.
Snow Shelter | Sniego pastogė
dir. Robertas Nevecka
animation, 16’, 2020
It is a freezing winter in a war-devastated town. A young man is banished from his own apartment by a bunch of troublesome strangers. He has to locate another shelter in an alienated society.
Voices Apart | Atskirti balsai
dir. Elvina Nevardauskaitė, David Heinemann
documentary, 17’, 2020
Three Lithuanians reflect on the time when they first began to hear voices in their heads, and relive the life-changing incidents they’ve experienced since then. Torment or blessing? Each has a unique take on the condition. A documentary about living with the voices that set you apart.