Left-Handed Pen

18 min.

Director | Adas Burkšaitis
Script | Adas Burkšaitis
Operator | Narvydas Naujalis
Editing | Mikas Žukauskas
Sound designer | Iveta Macevičiūtė
Composer | Domas Strupinskas
Main cast | Rasa Samuolytė, Indrė Patkauskaitė, Vaidotas Martinaitis, Kasparas Varanavičius, Vaiva Samoškaitė
Producers | Kotryna Ramanauskaitė, Greta Akcijonaitė
Production company | Greta Garbo Films


Sunny summer day at a suburban school. A schoolteacher finds out that her son’s poorly written exam may jeopardise his dream of attending a prestigious university abroad. The film explores sacrifices a mother is willing to make to secure her child’s success, raising questions about ethics and the pressures of education.


About the director:

Adas Burkšaitis is a film director based in Vilnius. Before turning to directing, he graduated in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge. In 2020, he began his Master’s studies in Film Directing at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre. In his films, he explores themes of the impact of technology, loss of illusions, and the subjectivity of human experience.