looking she said I forget

looking she said I forget
24 min.

Director | Naomi Pacifique
Script | Naomi Pacifique
Director of photography | Xenia Patricia
Editing | Lucia Martinez Garcia, Naomi Paciifque
Sound designer | Clara Alloing
Composer | Ella van der Woude, Cyrielle Formaz
Main cast | Juliet Darremont, Gaël Kamilindi, Tom de Ronde
Producers | Rafael Manuel, Albert Kuhn, Yan Decoppet, Gabriela Bussman, Naomi Pacifique
Production company | Idle Eye, Golden Egg Productions

Having just moved to Amsterdam, Lou prepares her new apartment that she will share with her partner, Joel. For now though, Joel is on a trip with an intimate other. Confronted with the complexities of her non-monogamous relationship, Lou shifts her gaze to the rhythms of her new city.


About the director:

Naomi Pacifique is a Swiss-Dutch artist. She graduated from Oxford University with an Mst in Creative Writing and from London Film School with an MA in Filmmaking. Her graduation film from London Film School, ‘after a room’, was awarded the Pardino d’Argento Swiss Life at Locarno Film Festival 74. Across the arts, Naomi’s work interests itself in intimacy and deep ecology.