Director | Birutė Kapustinskaitė
Script | Birutė Kapustinskaitė
Director of pohotography | Vytautas Katkus
Editing | Gabrielė Urbonaitė
Sound designer | Dominyka Adomaitytė
Composer | Agnė Matulevičiūtė
Main cast | Aldona Vilutytė, Rasa Samuolytė
Producers | Rūta Petronytė, Dagnė Vildžiūnaitė
Production company | Just A Moment, Smart Casual
The coach full of actors is returning home after the National Performing Arts Awards: all had been nominated, but none received an award.
About the director:
Birutė Kapustinskaitė has been working as a screenwriter and a playwright for quite some time. She has received the main National Award as the best playwright of the year, for the play “Therapies”, which was staged in South Korea as well. She holds the best screenplay award for the feature film, “Sasha Was Here”, from the Aubagne Film Festival. Since 2019, the writer started directing. Her debut short, “Mothers” (2019), received a special mention during the Ismailia Film Festival 2022 in Egypt and is touring around festivals together with the film agency Lights On. “The Nominees” (2022) is the second short film directed by her.