Today We’re All Gonna Hide

Dzisiaj wszyscy się ukryjemy
22 min.

Dorector | Iwo Kondefer
Script | Anna Bielak, Iwo Kondefer
Director of photography | Magda Kowalczyk
Editing | Natalia Jastrzębska
Animators | Anna Skoczeń, Daria Godyń
Sound designer | Joanna Szczęsnowicz, Aleksandra Landsmann
Main cast | Matylda Wiercińska, Dobromir Dymecki, Sara Celler-Jezierska, Dagmara Bąk
Producer | Anna Gawlita
Production company | Kijora Film

„I’m waiting for mom and dad. Calendar ends today. A lot of us will die, but not like Grandpa two years ago, only worse”. This is a morning report from ten-year-old Daga. The girl is prepared for all threats. Unlike her parents…