Režisierius | Director Benjamin Teske
Scenarijaus autorius | Script Christin Schleuning
Prodiuseris | Producer Frauke Kolbmüller
Gamybos kompanija | Production company Hamburg Media School
Kontaktai | Contacts Hamburg Media School, address: Finkenau 35, Hamburg 2208, e-mail:
Po susišaudymo kaimynystėje esančioje mokykloje jaunas gydytojas Aleksandras atsiduria aklavietėje. Jis ne tik praranda savo pirmąjį pacientą, bet netrukus susiduria ir su pačiu žudiku.
After a massacre at a nearby school, young resident Alexander is put to the test. Not only that he loses a patient for the first time, a little later he comes face to face with the shooter himself.