Režisieriai | Directors Agatha Isobel, Jovita Misevičiūtė, Rolandas Buožis
“Delirium of Love” pasakoja dviejų įsimylėjelių istoriją, skirtingų formų samplaikos pagalba. Nejudrūs vaizdai, judesio performansas, poema – visa tai skirtingos formos per kurias vystomas veiksmas, o simbolių pagalba aiškinama meilės percepcija.
This short film ‘Delirium of Love’ is an art synthesis, telling the love story of two individuals. The plot is presented through visual still life shots and minimal human performance. All the elements appearing in the film are symbols, explaining the perception of Love. The only verbal note in the film is the poem (a monologue of one of the lovers), that speaks out the words of truth. The concept of the short emerged out of the subjective reality.