Režisierius | Director Isabella Eklöf
Scenarijaus autorius | Script Isabella Eklöf
Operatorius | Cinematography Nadim Carlsen
Garso režisierius | Sound director Martin Dirkov
Prodiuseris | Producer Elisabeth Victoria Poulsen
Gamybos kompanija | Production company Dharmafilm, Isabella Eklöf
Kontaktai | Contacts Isabella Eklöf, e-mail:
Karlbergas gyvena mažame Danijos miestelyje. Jo žmona – įkyri nuobodybė. Karlbergas turi savo pusiau vykusį verslą. Turi jis ir dar kai ką. To niekas kitas neturi. Jis rūsyje uždaręs laiko mažą mergaitę. Žmona apie tai žino ir tuo bjaurisi, bet nieko negali padaryti, nes Karlbergas yra savo paties gyvenimo valdovas.
Karlberg lives in a tedious, soulless Danish small town. His wife is dull and annoying. Karlberg has a little this-and-that sort of business which is running ok, or rather – so-so. But Karlberg has a little something that not everybody has. Karlberg has a little girl locked in the cellar of an abandoned estate that he owns. His wife knows it. She thinks it’s disgusting. But she doesn’t act. He can control her. Karlberg is the king of his own world.